How To Fight Against Your Goers Becoming “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

You have had an incredible time building a relationship with your missionary friend while they are in the U.S. ✓

You have joined their financial team. ✓

You had an emotional send off and you are committed to seeing them thrive overseas. ✓

You are excited when you get their first few newsletters. ✓

Now it has been two months since they left and you realize that you haven’t thought about them since their newsletter a month ago. How can you sustain engagement with your missionary for the long haul? How can you avoid the danger of them becoming “out of sight, out of mind” until their next visit stateside?

Keep them in your sight. Keep them in your mind. Keep them in your heart.

One of the best ways to fight “out of sight, out of mind” is by purposefully keeping them “in your sight and in your mind.” How can you put reminders of your partner missionaries in your sight? Here are a few suggestions…

  • Put their photo on your refrigerator.
  • Put their photo in your Bible.
  • Put their photo on the dash of your car.
  • Put the map of their country in a visible place on your wall in your home and office.
  • Put photos of peoples from their country and people group in your bathroom mirror. 
  • Put photos of them, their country and people on the screen of your phone and computer.

A great way to keep them in your mind is to ask yourselves questions about their daily lives and turn your questions into prayers for God’s help. A few suggestions of questions to consider to pray for them.

  • What time is it in their country now? Pray for them according to how they may be feeling at that time.
  • What might they be doing now in their schedule? Pray for them to know God’s presence and empowerment in that moment.
  • What are the names of their kids? If they don’t have children, what are the name of their parents or other family members in the US? Pray for them by name.
  • What are some of the names of people they have mentioned in their most recent newsletter? Pray for them by name.
  • What is the name of the location where they live? Pray for it and the local people and leaders.  
  • What are the names of others on their team? Pray for them by name and for more laborers to join them.

As you pray for them, pray also for your own heart that your heart would be aligned with God’s heart for them and the people they are serving. A few suggestions…

Pray that you will have affection for them even though you don’t see them face to face. Pray you may feel their struggles that they are enduring at this moment.

Pray that you will have a heart of love toward those they are serving. That you would long for them to know Jesus and for their communities to know Jesus.

How can you avoid the danger of them becoming “out of sight, out of mind” until their next visit stateside?

Keep them in your sight. Keep them in your mind. Keep them in your heart.


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