A Tool to Pray Daily for an Unreached People Group

Every day you can pray for one of the over 7,000 unreached people groups in the world through the Unreached of the Day app from Joshua Project. 

Join others who are praying for the unreached people group of the day to have access to the gospel, have the Word of God translated into their language, and see the church established. Through believing prayer, we can be part of seeing people from this group brought into God’s Kingdom. One day they will be worshiping with us around the throne of God! (Rev. 7:9-10)

In the book of Acts, the advance of the Gospel was preceded by earnest prayer. The coming of the Holy Spirit and birth of the church (over 3,000 saved!) was preceded by earnest prayer. “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer.” (Acts 1:14)

”And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:31)

What a privilege to stand in the gap before the Lord of all the earth for the advance of the gospel among unreached peoples.

What are ways that you can use this app to pray for unreached people groups?

First download the app or receive it as a daily email

One way to use this app is to set your alarm every day at 9:38 AM or PM, depending on your schedule. When your alarm goes off, open the app and take a few minutes to stand in the gap for that people group, asking God to send out laborers to bring the good news of the gospel to them. In Matthew 9:38, Jesus instructs us to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest field of the world.

You can pray as a family for the Unreached of the day by using the app before or after a meal or for your family devotions.

Another way to encourage others to join you in prayer for the unreached would be to use this app as part of your small group or Sunday school class.

Through prayer, we all have a part to play in seeing God gather worshipers for Himself from every people group. Missionary J.O. Frazier, who saw a breakthrough of thousands of Lisu people coming to Christ because of people praying back home, later wrote, “What I covet more than anything else is earnest, believing prayer. I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home.” (from Mountain Rain: A Biography of James O. Fraser, Pioneer Missionary to China )


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